
Latest news from Camp Boredom

During the Christmas holidays from University I reside in a festering pit of a town and work part time at a fast food establishment. As anyone at uni will tell you, time in the holidays almost goes backwards as you await to head back to the Mayhem of student life. So, with the inevitable depression that this entails, each positive moment is a beaming ray of sunlight into the gloom of everyday life. Todays post attempts to outline this point:

Day 25 at Camp Boredom.

My shift today was only seven hours. Not unbearable, but not my idea of fun. I was working on the drive-thru lane, hilarious, I know, but this is actually the perfect spot for playing my famed game 'Would I fuck?*' and predictably, this led to the highlight of the shift. A VW Golf pulled round the corner, and what do I lay my eyes upon? Four sumptuous ten bean salads**. My favourite of the salads was blond, blue eyed, nice teeth with a great jawline and cheekbones, and trendy, indie sort of clothes. So perfect. I smiled and thanked the heavens, and remarkably, she smiled back! A genuine, friendly smile. Obviously I was too cowardly to say
anything witty or flirty, but still, progress in my mind. Apart from that glorious moment I spent my time trying to decide whether to renew Nathan Delfouenso's contract on Footy Manager, thinking up new songs for OBUFC***, and thinking the 'happy thoughts' that are going to become reality in just under two weeks, when I return to the holy land.
Yours truly,

Fedsy x
*'Would I fuck' is basically where you identify females and decide in your head whether or not you'd fuck them. Quite pathetic, I know, but it does make the time pass slightly quicker

**The moron's term for a beautiful lady

***Oxford Brookes University Football Club

1 comment:

  1. Good on JC Bower for posting this on twitter, you write really well! I also wander about in my dressing gown like a shiek, watching old ab fab episodes on youtube. We're in this together x
