A rare day of activity today, but also, a day in which I can offer you a perfect insight into my family life. For Christmas we had had a family portrait session organised for us with a local photographer. The decision was undertaken at some point in the afternoon about what to wear, I went for a 'slim fit' white shirt, as this was the only formal wear I had brought home from uni with me. I put it on and as I stepped out into the hallway I was halted by my stepmother who stated "you look like you're about to burst out of that shirt"; she didn't mean this as a compliment. I've heard worse insults from women before, but my stepmother is fully aware of this so tends not bring me down too much. Highly compassionate. However, because of this fact I knew I had to change the shirt. I went for a normal fitting reddish/pink number that was too long, but shielded the world from my figure slightly better. At this point I must emphasise that my BMI is actually around the 25 mark, on the border of healthy and overweight, so I am by no means 'a porpoise', as Weylan likes to describe fat people.
The Fedsy Family? |
The next incident came in the kitchen when my father, fresh from an afternoon of playing the crossword, entered. Stepmother asked him what he was going to wear "this'll do, won't it?" he replied. He was wearing a tatty blue jumper and stained trousers. This was one of those moments that I saw where some of my pathetic attributes come from. Even I know to put a shirt on for a family photo! Though however insignificant this moment was, for some reason it will be one I will always remember about my father.
Upon arrival at the photoshoot were seated in the waiting area. Jemimayhem ran around like a lunatic which brought a degree of happiness to me. To see someone who's spirit had yet to be crushed by the weight of this callous world was quite nourishing to my gloom-ridden eyes.
Now, of course, no blog of m.i.n.e would be complete without underlining some of my moronic and pathetic moments throughout the day, and the first of these was in the Indian restaurant this evening. As I approached the establishment I thought to myself 'I know, I'll try something different tonight', I often have these thoughts but when it comes down to it and the waiter asks what I want I um and arr and end up stating "I just think I'll have a korma". Tonight was different however, and what a mistake I made! The curry almost sizzled as it touched the tip of my tongue, and three beers accompanied my meal - always a sign that the spice is simply too much. Now this on it's own wouldn't be such a bad thing, but my vision of myself as a hopeless buffoon was rubber stamped when I looked out of the corner of eye to see three of the waiters giggling as I coughed and wept through the meal. Simply so undignified, but nothing on what was to follow on the way home...
Around this time last year I took a real liking to a girl at uni, and inevitably, this ended in heartbreak in my most dramatic 'so near, yet so far' moment yet (The number of these moments throughout my life will become apparent as the blog goes on). The sadness of the situation still gets to me on a daily basis, but what was to happen on the 20 minute journey home was nothing short of deplorable. I sat in the back seat listening to 'The Flood' by Take That on my iPod, and my mind went wandering, as it often does when I listen to music. However, this particular daydream centred around me taking the girl who broke my heart to the Take That reunion tour for her birthday, with several little sideshows and sound bites along the way (all completely innocent, yet obviously massively romantic). I was snapped out of the daydream by a text message about the football, and within seconds of reading it I was mentally cursing myself for the feeble, pitious thoughts that had been running through my head in the two or three minutes preceding the text.
'Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage' - The lyrics of The Smashing Pumpkins could not be a more fitting note to finish todays blog on. So accurate and relative to my day.
Eight days until uni and a social life return! Come on Fedsy!x